Monday, February 9, 2009

What's an idiot?

Most Utah drivers.

I suffer from a mild case of road rage. I think a better term is road irritation as I rarely escalate to all out rage. Controlling the irritation is especially not easy in Utah as I've blogged previously with regard to yellow lights and the use of blinkers. Another irritation stems from round-abouts. They're everywhere here. I do not understand how the same state that produces a plethora of drivers that runs red lights also produces a bevy of drivers that stops at yield signs in round-abouts when there aren't any cars in it or those who stop in the round-about when they have the right-of-way. I drive through a round-about every day so it's a bit of a pet peeve.

I don't always set the best example for Gabby when I drive. Whenever I honk at someone (by the way, I honk my horn judiciously to prevent overuse), Gabby informs me that it's not nice to honk the horn. I explain to her that horns are for honking especially at stupid people who drive dangerously. She tells me I need to be nice. I think we're both right. Horns are for honking and I should be nice.

When I experience road irritation, I do a bit of grumbling and honking. Today, another car completely cut me off (no blinker, obviously relying on telekinesis that I have yet to tap into) and slammed on their brakes all inside an intersection. I refrained from honking my horn, but yelled, "Stupid idiot!"

"Mommy, what's a stupid idiot?"

"Gabby, an idiot is someone who can't drive and is stupid."

"But Mommy, I like Indians and they can drive cars and I don't think they're stupid."

"Oh." Laughter.

Oops. Point taken. I will no long be shouting idiot to avoid such confusion in the future. I thought about shouting moron, but she may confuse that with Mormon and conclude that Indians and Mormons are all bad drivers. I considered, dummy, but Gabby could confuse that with dumbo and elephants are her favorite. I've now come up with shouting, "UTAHN!" Perhaps I'll even add "driver" to it for clarification.**

**I am 100% certain that none of my Utah friends are the bad drivers described above so none of this rant is in any way directed to you! I know that each of you is absolutely brilliant in every way :).

P.S. Jen and I went to see He's Just Not That Into You on Friday at The District at 9pm. We enjoyed it and with my venture into the dating world, I found much relevance in it. Anyway, there were small children running all over that theatre. Seriously, we hoped there was some kind of party or event as we could barely push through the hoardes of kids. Who knew that was the happening place on Friday night for 5 year olds. And would any of you consider this movie a family show? I don't think I'm a prude, but there were several families with kids, I mean like 9 or 10 year olds out to see the show. Maybe it's just me and Jen, but we didn't consider it to be a family movie in the least. Oh and there was the usual clapping and hollering during the previews. Yeah, the next Harry Potter looks good, but why clap and shout for the preview? I will never get it!


Dave said...

I used to work with a lady who let, no encouraged, her 5 year old sun to watch the Friday the 13th series. Jason was his favorite movie character.

It made me sick.

Jen said...

That's hilarious! Kids are so funny and truly know how to put things in perspective...or put back into our face the silly things we say and do. I'm easily irritated at drivers on the road too, but I know I've been honked at before. Was that you? Ha.

Jennifer said...

I quite frequently yell at the stupid driver in front, on the side, and behind me. It makes great entertainment for your passengers. And what's the deal with the round abouts?? It's NOT a stop sign!!!!

jennifer rogers said...

I can't stand when people clap in the movies! It's not like the people who made the movie are right there waiting to see if you liked their film!

Ambyr said...

I'm not a huge fan of Utah drivers either even though I am one!!! They are a breed all their own. :)

Mama Yo said...

I can't stand it when adults bring their little kids to a grown up movie. Case in point, Roman and I went to see Seven Pounds (Will Smith movie) when it first came out. A few rows in front of us was a couple with their three little kids! All under the age of 8 I'm sure! HELLO PEOPLE! Surely it's got to be cheaper to get a sitter than to take your kids to an adult movie! (Wait, not one of those movies). And I must also say that I feel the same way about people taking their kids out to dinner with them at any restaurant aside from Chuck a Rama and McDonalds. I'm going out because I NEED A BREAK FROM CHILDREN. You know?

Trish said...

So good to know others understand my pet peeves! I had to laugh at a claim I received yesterday. Any guesses which state it was in? The loss description said that our insured waited for 3 cars to thru an intersection after the light turned red and proceeded to left on the green arrow when a 4th car also ran the red light and hit our insured. The person that hit them claimed there was no way for that he could stop and he had the right of way.

Of course that happened here in Utah!