Gabby spent about 30 minutes taking pictures the other day. Her favorite subject to photograph were her toys. She really enjoyed looking at all the pictures. She took about 60 and so I thought I'd post a few. Aren't digital cameras just the best? They're so great for kids to experiment with and you don't have to worry about wasting a thing. How did we survive so long on antiquated film?
This is Barky, formerly known as Puppy. Marji bought him for Gabby for some occasion I can't recall. Gabby only named him Barky today, I'm still calling him Puppy, though. Puppy went everywhere with Gabby for a while. I had hopes at one point that Puppy would supplant my hair. Those hopes were dashed long ago as Puppy is mostly relegated to the toy chest. She'll pull him out every so often and reminisce over good times.
Orange Beak and Care Bear. Orange Beak did dream about flying, but wasn't satisfied with the experience. Gabby has since told him she will work with him on learning to fly, cautioning him that he may get hurt. Orange Beak is on board despite the warning. My baby brother Gabe gave Gabby Care Bear when she was born. He delights in giving newborns gianormous toys.
Gabby had me pose for a few pictures. She's specific in what look I should give to the camera. This was my "pretty smile."
Blue. Gabby's favorite show has always been Blue's Clues. I don't mind it. There are definitely more annoying shows out there, like Barney or Teletubbies which Gabby unfortunately enjoys as well. We acquired Blue from the Little Rock Airport last year after a pre-dawn meltdown. She was well worth peace and quiet she brought on the flight home.
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