Friday, May 2, 2008

May in Utah

Yes, that is SNOW! It snowed on May 1. I formally declare this, "Worst Winter Ever!" The snow didn't stick for long, but it's just not right to be snowing in May! Gabby is so over the snow and cold weather as well. She asked me the other day why springtime can't stay since she's so tired of winter. She said she just wants it to be warm. Amen!

Gabby has discovered a new talent, photography. She took about 30 pictures of Soapy the other day. Soapy is doing well and her and Gabby have not had further arguments (at least to my knowledge).

Jen and I have been taking the kids to the park the past couple of Saturdays. The West Jordan City Park has a fabulous playground designed as a frontier town. Gabby and David have loved meeting up and exploring it together.