Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I was blessed with such an incredible mother. The further I get in life, the more I appreciate all that she gave to our family. There are 6 children in our family and she gave everything she had to us. We weren't an easy lot of kids by any means. We were actually pretty awful for the most part. I only have Gabby and I can't believe the amount of work a child takes. My mother not only raised 6 children, but she raised us well. We didn't have that much in the way of material possessions, but we always had a wealth of mom's time and love. Mom is always being described as nice, she's literally one of the nicest women you'll ever meet. She has tremendous faith in God and blessed each of us with an example of serving Him. She's just as much of an amazing grandmother now. She loves her grandchildren and they love her just as much in return. Happy Mother's Day Mom!
This is the first Mother's Day that I've gotten gifts and I have to say that it's kind of nice. My parents sent me the purple flowers yesterday with a really sweet note. When I got home from church, I found the yellow roses and candy. Jen and David put my spare key to good use and left them for me. I was so surprised! Yellow roses are my favorite as is Dove chocolate and Red Vines. I'm so glad I have such a great family who are so thoughtful and nice. Thank you!
So this has been a perfect Mother's Day for me. Gabby is in Richfield for a few days so I'm getting a break from Mom-duty. I love being a mother. I sincerely feel so honored to be Gabby's mom. She's such a special and amazing girl. I'm excited to be apart of her life and see who she becomes.


Jennifer said...

I do agree that your Mom is an amazing woman, and nice doesn't even begin to describe how wonderful I think she is. I have a great respect for her.

jennifer rogers said...

I love your mom too! I feel like I grew up at your house and your mom always made me feel more than welcome she made me feel like part of the family! Happy Mother's Day Kay!