Sunday, December 6, 2009

Temple Square

Gabby and I went to Temple Square to see the lights on Friday. I didn't make it there with Gabby last year so it had been 2 years since she'd been. Gabby was really excited to go into the all the buildings there.

The North Visitors' Center has the Christus statue. Gabby was very impressed with it and the mural of the skies. Gabby has also taken up posing for her pictures. She wouldn't let me take any until she got her pose just right. We went and watched a showing of Luke 2. Gabby really enjoyed it. The sister missionaries followed it up by saying that they hoped we enjoyed the short movie. Gabby announced her approbation in a loud voice by saying, "That sure was a great movie!"

Gabby and I outside the temple

This was Gabby's favorite tree since it was all red and more cool poses.

Gabby has much cuter hats than this, but she stole this from me. That hat is actually about 8 years old. Her dad gave it to me after a trip to Yellowstone and then liked it so well, he took it over for himself. Gabby has since commandeered it since it is red and her favorite color and won't have anything to do with pink and purple hats. Hard to imagine where she gets her opionated nature from....


Dave said...

that really does look like a lot of fun!!!