Saturday, December 15, 2007

Gabby Loves Her Bath!

Gabby will spend up to an hour every day in the bath (some days she'll take 2). There is a very intricate set of rules involving all her ducks. Normally, Green Ducky and Blue Ducky are not allowed in the tub (I haven't figured out what they did to be banished, but she throws them out and yells at them if I try to sneak them in). The pink duck is Mamma Duck and the big yellow duck is Daddy Duck. The duck with swim goggles is Super Ducky. There are baby ducks that are often in time out. Super Ducky does a lot of rescuing. It's pretty funny to listen to her go through all the duck drama.
On this day, she made a train out of her letters for all the animals. I can only assume that Green and Blue Ducky were allowed on the train since it was technically not in the tub.


Unknown said...

That is hilarious! She is so funny about things, who would think of banishing ducks :) I wonder what they did to the other ducks :)

Julie said...

That is so funny!